Assess Manager and the history of management assessment test
Assess-manager is above all a team of enthusiasts. The company was born out of a gap in the market: testing the managerial skills of current and future managers.

Personality tests are a dime a dozen, but tests to assess management skills are almost non-existent, apart from 360° tests based on human and fairly subjective assessments. Assess Manager allows you to take the second big step.
Assess Manager has developed a complete product for identifying the skills of managers or potential managers, reducing the subjectivity of an assessment as much as possible. The Assess Manager test is the result of 5 years of research and experimentation, launched in 2010, which has resulted in the test presented today: 110 questions, around 20 minutes to answer them, and a complete, easy-to-use automated report.
A test should not be an act of judgement, but a key to development.
Virginie LOISEL is the founder of Assess Manager and tells us how Assess Manager came about.
I worked in an HR agency for several years, where I used a number of assessment tools. Most of them were personality tests: the look-alike, the performanse, the papi. Generally speaking, what bothered me about using these personality tests was that they were too rigid and gave the impression that they were assessing a person without taking into account their development. In fact, I didn’t use the tests very much, they didn’t suit me because I found them too restrictive, as if they didn’t allow people to evolve and progress. They are more often based on temperament, on the way we function, than on personality, which evolves and progresses as life goes on and presents opportunities for development.

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on Management published by EMS
When we decided to develop a test to meet the needs of our business, i.e. the training and coaching of managers, its primary aim was to assess the skills of managers with a view to their development. I believe that this is a major theme in all the work we’ve been able to carry out: not locking in, and above all, offering keys to development and targeted progression, in line with managers’ real needs. A test should not be an act of judgement, but a key to development. That’s why we have quite naturally developed our value proposition, giving access to all our work on manager training with online teaching kits.
In addition to the scientific validity of the test, we offer you the opportunity to use your own empirical evaluation criteria, by taking advantage of our discovery offer.

Virginie Loisel
An assessment should not be an act of judgement, but a key to development.
Our values
Revealing talent, triggering change

This is our motto and the foundation of our values.
We reject the idea that any test, whether it’s a personality or management test, is judgmental or confining. A test only has value if it opens the door to self-knowledge and opportunities for growth and fulfilment, in our vision of such a product.
It is “at the service of”, not all-powerful.
So our products are just like our services: they allow you to ask questions to find out more, they make it easier to make intelligent ‘matches’… And they also give you real ideas for how to evolve.
Research and excellence
We waited 5 years before deploying Assess Manager solutions. In 2011, management tests were non-existent on the market, with no documented theoretical benchmarks. It was therefore a long period of research in project mode, working with specialists, that enabled us to put in place a universal skills reference framework that could be applied to any structure. Within this 5-year period, we took 2 years to carry out the scientific validation work, with particular emphasis on verifying the metrics through in-depth interviews with managers.
Sharing knowledge – in open source mode
The results of our research are summarised in a book on management, which details each key skill. There are no secrets to protect, but rather knowledge to share, so that companies can support the progress of their managers, who are key figures in ensuring that the world evolves in a positive direction.
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