Books on management: keys to development

Découvrez les secrets du management efficace avec nos livres incontournables. Maximisez vos compétences managériales et atteignez vos objectifs professionnels dès aujourd'hui !

Test de management et Assessment manager

Managerial positions and skills

A veritable bible for managers summarised in 2 books and 15 managerial skills booklets

Management for tomorrow

This management bible covers all the managerial skills measured in the management test.

It is also the result of years of research by the Assess Manager team. A study also shows the differences in skills between 5 panels: executives, managers of managers, cross-functional managers, operational managers and employees with no managerial responsibility. Each skill illustrated in this study is documented in these 2 books.

Also available :

Assess Manager’s management teaching tools

1 book, 1 managerial skill. A training book to develop your managerial skills.

These booklets provide you with the essentials on the topic in question and operational exercises to help you and your team improve on a day-to-day basis.

  • Define the theme and the issues
  • Identify common situations. Contextualise more complex situations or identify their underlying factors
  • Remove psychological obstacles or limiting beliefs (coaching exercises)
  • Choosing the most useful methods and tools
  • Avoiding pitfalls
  • Practising with real-life cases from your team

Each booklet is dedicated to a specific managerial skill, corresponding to the skills assessed in the Assess Manager test.

The Assess Manager booklets

As an Executive, HR Manager, Recruiter, Trainer or Coach, you will receive 3 booklets free of charge when you register

Livret n°1 - Transmettre une vision


Booklet n°1 – Transmitting a vision

TRANSMITTING A VISION Developing a long-term vision Communicating the company’s vision How…

2-prendre des décisions


Booklet No. 2 – Taking decisions

Taking decisions Calculating and accepting a certain level of risk Taking all…

4- accompagner les changements


Booklet No. 3 – Supporting change




Booklet No. 4 – Assessing

How do you evaluate your interviews? Assessing objectively Selecting suitable assessment criteria…

6-Manager par les objectifs


Booklet no. 5 – Managing by objectives

How do you manage your business using objectives? UNDERSTANDING THE SUBJECT IN…



Booklet no. 6 – Delegating

What should be delegated? To whom, and how? UNDERSTANDING THE SUBJECT IN…

8-Développer la confiance


Booklet No. 7 – Forging trust

How do you develop and maintain confidence? Projecting a confident image, enjoying…

9-Développer son efficience


Booklet No. 8 – Developing your efficiency

How can we work less, but better? UNDERSTANDING THE SUBJECT IN ITS…

10-Organiser planifier


Booklet 9 – Organising and planning

How do you organise your team and your work? UNDERSTANDING THE SUBJECT…

11-Animer une réunion


Booklet No. 10 – Chairing meetings effectively

Which meeting for which purpose? Readily chairing meetings and encouraging discussion Preparing…

11-Faire un feedback


Booklet No. 11 – Providing feedback

Providing feedback Being ready to congratulate Being ready to discipline UNDERSTANDING THE…

14-La gestion de conflits


Booklet No. 13 – Managing Conflict

How do you solve relationship problems? Communicating positively in a conflict Managing…

15-Faire preuve de courage managérial


Booklet No. 14 – Demonstrating managerial courage

How can we develop managerial courage? UNDERSTANDING THE SUBJECT IN ITS ENTIRETY…

13-Gérer son stress


Booklet No. 12 – Managing stress

How can I manage my stress and that of my team? UNDERSTANDING…

Download the white paper on management written by Assess Manager

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