Dictionary of Psychology and Management
- The psychology dictionary that you will find in the personality test
- The management dictionary sets out all the items measured to create and the skills assessed in the Assess Manager test.
- Below is the online psychology and management dictionary.
Complete your knowledge:
A book in 2 volumes: the Management Bible – Publication title: “Le management à porter demain” – Editions EMS Coach

With potential (MOTIVATION)
People with potential seem to have developed a certain resilience. They may want to invest themselves but feel powerless in the face of their environment.
Assertive (LEADERSHIP)
The assertive person recognises hierarchical authority and aims to have an impact on the direction of the company within their sphere of influence.
Emotional agility
Emotional intelligence means moving from a state where emotion is the boss to a state where emotion is a resource.
Intellectual agility
If the person I’m talking to is visual, I show them images. If the person I’m talking to is a short-term thinker, I give them examples from their time scale. If the person I’m talking to is predominantly abstract, I speak their language. If they think in linear terms, I’m careful to create bridges and connections between subjects if my thinking is circular. Etc If the person needs to feel things in order to understand them, I make it easier for them to grasp things through touch, experience, etc. These are the resources that could be likened to those of a teacher .
Situational agility
Situational agility is the ability to use different management styles. It means being flexible enough to adapt to situations and people (motivational sensitivity, skills).
Ambitious (MOTIVATION)
The ambitious profile needs to show its success through visible external signs.
Rational ambitious (SENSE OF OBJECTIVES)
Rational ambitious people have a mechanical approach to achieving results and do not take stakeholders into account.
Assertive ambitious (SENSE OF OBJECTIVES)
The secure ambitious takes on challenges that they have assessed beforehand they will be able to achieve.
Transactional analysis
Transactional analysis defines the roles of child, adult and parent as the components of every being, distinct for each individual. These roles lead to behaviour. Transactional analysis file
The leader recognises authority through skills and asserts himself in line with the company’s prerequisites.
Anglicism used to define an in-depth evaluation of an employee in the workplace, often with a view to career development (see assessment )
Attentive (EMOTIONS)
The attentive profile has an emotional basis which is moderated by a factual approach.
The wait-and-see profile shows acquiescence without taking action.
Self-centred (COMMUNICATION)
The self-centred profile listens with a focus on its objectives, and the emotions involved take a back seat.
Self-challenged (STRESS)
The self-challenged profile needs security. They have a natural tendency to anxiety, which it would be harmful to aggravate. Reassurance and support can help them take a step back.
The autonomous profile draws energy from the group and needs to isolate itself to be more effective.
The astute profile speaks only if it has the facts to back up its words.
Right-hand man (LEADERSHIP)
The right-hand man does not seek to assume responsibility; he adapts to his environment with limited initiative
Careerists need to feel that they are building their own development.
Categorisation (EMOTIONS)
Categorisers need to put things/people into boxes.
See Non-violent communication
Researcher (CREATIVITY)
In the register of metaphor, the researcher does not need to confront reality in order to apprehend it. They can elaborate and understand the subject precisely. They specialise in order to refine the subject they are working on.
The collective profile thrives on group work.
The collective profile appreciates teamwork because of the richness of the group’s contributions, but can also work alone.
Communicator (HBDI Neuroscience Profile)
Seductive, communicators are easy to talk to, which they both seek out and facilitate. Empathetic, they often have a chameleon-like way of getting their ideas across. Expansive and spontaneous, communicators don’t necessarily try to hide their emotions and feelings are expressed quite easily. They are often recognised as having real orator’s skills, so they can speak in public without feeling too much stress, unless the messages they want to get across are negative. In this case, he may lose his natural ease or simply prefer to cancel his participation in this exercise, which is not like him.
He dislikes conflict and generally seeks approval or cohesion in a team or any other context. He may try to mediate to avoid conflict. Rather intuitive, he has a good sense of who he is dealing with. This insight is not necessarily conscious but intuitively guides his relationships.
Being appreciated and valued is one of his major motivators. Faced with a difficulty, if they don’t feel supported or encouraged, communicators will easily abandon a project out of discouragement. On the other hand, with a manager who knows how to congratulate them and make them feel valued, they will work hard. They could be described as extremely kind and devoted if their “communicator” tendency is very dominant.
Competitors take on challenges where they have previously validated the potential for success.
Non-violent communication (NVC)
Communication technique based on the application of four fundamental principles:
- It must be possible to observe any situation without judging others.
- Everyone must learn to express their own feelings;
- express their needs
- formulate what they want from others.(More info on communication techniques)
The complex person has an open mind and can follow a surprising path when thinking abstractly.
Concentrated (ORGANISATION)
The focused profile aims to achieve its own objectives before those of the group.
Confident Closed (LEADERSHIP)
The closed confident profile does not like to question itself in order to preserve its self-image.
Confident Optimist (SENSE OF OBJECTIVES)
Confident optimists like to take on challenges, which stimulate them.
Open Confident (LEADERSHIP)
The open confident profile is able to ask questions and show openness without questioning their self-image.
Rigorous conformist (CREATIVITY)
The strict conformist does not aspire to express any form of creativity.
Conformist follower (LEADERSHIP)
Conformists recognise de facto hierarchical authority and follow the company’s requirements.
Comfortable (STRESS)
The comforted profile does not tolerate failure well and generally feels in a comfort zone. The situation is generally positive.
Confronting (Confrontant)
The confronting profile seeks to ensure that those with whom they work assume their responsibilities, and is not afraid of conflict.
Strongly Confronting (Confrontant)
This profile is certainly full of good intentions but does not necessarily realise the potentially difficult effects of its stance for some of the people it is dealing with. Be careful not to give the impression of dominating others in certain situations. The position of the result on the graph adjusts the strength of this potential tendency.
Conservative (CREATIVITY)
Conservatives don’t aspire to develop any form of creativity, they have other interests.
Curators need to work in a concentrated way with stable reference points.
Constructive (ORGANISATION)
The constructive profile makes itself available to others while keeping its objective in mind.
Constructive (REFLECTION)
Constructivists take a factual and relational approach to their work methods.
Contributor (MOTIVATION)
The contributor profile needs to feel that their know-how is useful to the result.
Managerial courage
Focused on employees, this enables ideas to be put across without provoking resistance. The manager assumes the company’s position. If they don’t accept it at first sight, they know how to ask their superiors for help by stating their difficulty in supporting the decision. More about managerial courage
Fearful people avoid risks by adopting a cautious approach and vision of situations.
The free creative person expresses their creativity without constraints and thrives on it.
Restricted creative (CREATIVITY)
The restricted creative limits their creative power to adapt to their environment.
The curious profile looks for any opportunity to diversify their tasks and feed their taste for change.”
Deductive (EMOTIONS)
The deductive profile analyses situations on the basis of facts.
Defenders aim for a collective result with a short-term vision.
Defensive (EMOTIONS)
The defensive profile protects itself from emotions , both its own and those of others.
Demonstrative (EMOTIONS)
The demonstrative profile relies on facts and willingly demonstrates what they say.
The dependent profile draws its energy from the collective emulation it needs to work.
DESC (DESC Method)
This is a 4-step communication method organised according to the 4 letters of the D.E.S.C. taught in the first stages of management training to give feedback or resolve a conflict:
D = Describe
E = Express Emotions
S = Specify Solutions
C = Consequences and solutions
More modern or natural methods have since emerged and are more widely used(see NVC in particular )
Detached (Confrontant)
The detached profile plays little or no part in the victimisation game.
Detached (Confronting)
The Detached profile has no systemic view of situations; it looks at them and lives in the first degree with its usual filters.
Detached (EMOTIONS)
The detached profile generally refrains from interpreting any message.
The detached profile may feel bored by their work.
The detached person has no particular desire to be recognised for their expertise.
Relaxed (STRESS)
The relaxed profile is stimulated by winning. They feel in a comfort zone in relation to their objectives. The situation is positive.
The discreet profile is naturally introverted and prefers to remain in the background unless they have something to say or are challenged.
Diversity (MOTIVATION)
The diversity profile needs renewal in their work.
The dual profile is more open with colleagues than with management.
The efficient profile works more quickly in autonomy but seeks contact with others who stimulate it.
Emotional (EMOTIONS)
The emotional profile has an emotional base which remains its dominant feature.
Empathetic (EMOTIONS)
The empathic profile understands the feelings of others.
The developing profile is naturally introverted and has learned to express itself more spontaneously.
Questioning (ORGANISATION)
The questioning profile is in a withdrawn posture and tries to react to events as they arise.
Standing back (Confronting)
The retreating profile does not seek to impose itself or dominate a relationship; it does not provoke conflict.
Emotionally withdrawn (EMOTIONS)
The emotionally withdrawn profile learns to protect itself from emotions, both its own and those of others.
The withdrawn profile is naturally extroverted but has also learnt to take a step back to make more room for listening.
The withdrawn profile has convictions that they prefer to keep quiet.
Committed (MOTIVATION)
Committed people give a central place to their work, which is omnipresent.
Committed people like a challenge, they are secure in their work and have a low tolerance for failure.
Teachers enjoy developing and sharing their expertise.
Epicureans are optimistic while avoiding uncontrolled risks.
Demanding (REFLECTION)
The demanding person has a certain level of perfectionism but also has a global vision of the subjects covered.
Expert (HBDI Neuroscience Profile)
With a rational way of thinking, the expert processes information one after the other. They are precise, although at ease with abstract concepts or long-term projects. The expert also has a critical mind that enables him to identify the weak points in a project. More at ease in controlled situations, experts often make high demands on themselves and those around them.
Driven by a competitive spirit, they generally like to evaluate, progress and achieve a social status that will guarantee their professional success. Motivated by money and comfort, they draw their energy and motivation from these elements to achieve their goals. Some people may describe them as individualistic, but they are recognised for their professionalism.
Experts like to learn in order to develop real expertise in a subject. Working in a technical field could be both attractive and reassuring because they can master it.
Naturally curious, their thirst for learning is rarely quenched and is a source of genuine pleasure and motivation. Those around them may perceive them as brilliant.
Their choices tend to be guided by reason, without emotion or intuition having too much influence. If you perceive an expert to be a communicator, it’s because he or she has qualities of another type (communicator or strategist), as this is not generally the point on which he or she is most recognised, often preferring written communication to oral communication.
The expressive profile is naturally extroverted and talks more than it listens.
Shapers, in the metaphorical register, like to feel things. They need to do things, to see with their own eyes, to grasp with their hands, to feel. Every detail is important. They are often sensitive to beauty.
Factual (Confrontant)
The factual profile does not play the victimisation game, or very little.
False Confidence (LEADERSHIP)
The False Confident profile does not like to question itself. It wants to give the image of a confident person even if appearances are deceptive.
They aim to achieve results by taking into account all stakeholders.
The focused profile is centred on short-term objectives.
The braking profile shows disagreement and stops taking action.
Generalising (EMOTIONS)
The Generalising profile tends to magnify a situation.
Managerial (versus intuitive)
Reasoning and not guided by intuition at first glance. Slower mode than the intuitive style, but factual in the context of a group explanation.
Eager to learn (ORGANISATION)
The eager-to-learn profile needs to be nourished by novelty and enjoys delving deeper into certain subjects
Ideological people need to give meaning to their work, with a long-term collective vision.
Imaginative (CREATIVITY)
Imaginative people draw resources from within themselves to feed their need for renewal. They have the intrinsic resources to stimulate their creativity.
Improvisers rise to challenges at a moment’s notice.
The independent profile does not seek out the group.
The independent profile does not feel the need for the group, and feels more effective when working independently.
People who can be influenced listen to their interlocutor, both in what they say and in the emotions involved.
Influencer (LEADERSHIP)
Influencers are easily questioned and may challenge their self-image.
Influencer (LEADERSHIP)
Influencers recognise authority through their skills and aim to have an impact on the direction of companies within their sphere of influence.
The influential profile listens specifically to its objectives and uses the emotions involved.
Free initiator (LEADERSHIP)
The free initiator likes to take the initiative and does not want to feel the burden of responsibility.
The innovator is a potential ally for experimenting with untried changes.
The inspired profile needs to feel emotionally involved to build its working approach.
The Integration profile seems to spontaneously seek information from others.
Internalized (EMOTIONS)
The Internalized profile feels things without making too much of it.
Questioning (REFLECTION)
Questioners seek expert advice on subjects that interest them.
A person who senses things rather than discovering them by reasoning. Fast mode but difficult to explain to bring people together. In ke test management, is contrasted with the “manager” style.
Inventor-designer (CREATIVITY)
In the register of metaphor, the inventor does not need to confront reality to design it. He works out, constructs and imagines plans freehand.
The invested profile finds real positive motivation in its work.
A leader takes initiative, is upstream of projects, gets involved in decision-making and mobilises a team.
Long term
A person with a long-term vision looks to the distant future.
Project management (CREATIVITY)
Designers and project managers are hands-on. Contact with reality on the ground enables them to develop, design and build.
Manager Coach
It is often said that coaching is a posture that complements other management methods, in a way “overlaying” them. The manager coach looks at the story at another level – process, global vision.
When the manager is challenged by his team or a member of the team, he often has a direct reading of the story and intervenes as an expert. Their colleagues are often looking for answers and solutions.
A manager coach , when faced with a problem, looks at it from a different angle. He or she analyses the process, the hidden issues, the attitude of employees towards the problem, etc. He has what is known as a meta view of the situation, which enables him to approach it from another angle and helps his own colleagues to take a step back from the situation.
Delegative Manager
A delegative manager provides his colleagues with the information they need to achieve their objectives. He gives them a great deal of autonomy. Positioning themselves as team supporters, they like to be on an equal footing with their subordinates. He is not in the habit of controlling the work of his colleagues, placing the relationship on the basis of trust.
He motivates his teams by giving meaning to their actions and making them dream. He certainly knows how to illustrate what he says to make himself understood, using metaphors and putting himself within the reach of those he is talking to.
In meetings, he willingly involves his colleagues and even entrusts them with some of the content.
Directing Manager
A directive manager , or authoritarian, sets the rules to be followed and the results to be achieved. Their communication is mainly downwards (from them to their colleagues). He has a sense of hierarchy and believes more in managing by sanction than by rewarding his teams to achieve their objectives.
Results-driven, authoritarian managers take full responsibility for achieving their objectives. They don’t pretend and, when dealing with their staff, they tend to tell them the economic realities in complete transparency, in the interests of accountability. When he delegates, he tends to be fairly prescriptive in the tasks entrusted to him.
Their meetings are generally structured, with more top-down than bottom-up communication.
Paternalistic manager
A paternalistic manager centralises power and seeks the loyalty of his teams. He provides his staff with the working conditions he deems necessary for the proper performance of their tasks and their well-being. He is firm; he believes more in reward-based management than in punishing his teams in order to achieve their objectives.
He is the guarantor of compliance with the rules and often shows an exemplary attitude. As a result, he can easily inspire confidence. They are discreet, but can be authoritative if the context calls for it.
In meetings, the agenda is set in advance and he masters the steps and the plan, which he prefers to follow scrupulously. His colleagues may expect a more global vision of the tasks than those presented by the paternalistic manager.
Participative manager
A participative manager defines objectives and makes decisions with his staff. His communication is both top-down (to his staff) and bottom-up (from his staff to him). He believes that results are achieved by ensuring that teams fully support the company’s decisions and direction.
They like simple, pleasant, even warm relationships. Some participative managers sometimes transform the work relationship into a relationship that goes beyond the professional sphere: going out for a drink outside work, making a friend of a customer, etc
Driven by team cohesion, his colleagues certainly appreciate the fact that he is sounding out their ideas and opinions.
During a meeting, the participative manager will readily agree to change the agenda, if one had been planned, when certain participants suggest subjects of interest. Their openness to others and the search for consensus may distract them from respecting deadlines or priorities.
Mechanist (REFLEXION)
Mechanists have a quick approach to things while going into great detail.
Methodical (REFLECTION)
Methodical people take a rational, factual approach.
Methodical people are sensitive to relationships and need a method to achieve objectives.
Extrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation has its source outside the task. It stems from external conditions: remuneration, recognition, working conditions.
Intrinsic motivation
A person whose motivational factors are intrinsic performs tasks for the interest and pleasure they find in them.
Multi-tasking (Polychronic)
A polychronic person tackles several activities in parallel
Negotiation (Management)
Focused on a win-win solution, the manager aims for the best possible solution for all stakeholders to encourage team motivation and commitment.
The neutral profile seems to pass on information if asked.
Doesn’t say no
A person who cannot say “no” has a complex relationship with negation. They have difficulty setting limits and may be overwhelmed by a situation they have not been able to refuse or limit
The observer anticipates actions from the sidelines.
Opportunist (CREATIVITY)
Opportunists draw on the resources of others to feed their need for renewal and creativity, through exchange or monitoring.
Potential opponent (OPENNESS – INNOVATION)
The opponent expresses disagreement and takes action.
Febrile speaker (COMMUNICATION)
The febrile speaker prefers to avoid public speaking, even if they have mastered the subject.
Potential speaker (COMMUNICATION)
Potential speakers like to express themselves but might feel judged in a public speaking exercise.
Public speaker (COMMUNICATION)
The public speaker may enjoy public speaking if they have mastered the subject.
Restricted speaker (COMMUNICATION)
Restricted speakers don’t like to take centre stage, but will find it easier to do so if they have mastered the subject.
Organiser (HBDI Neuroscience Profile)
Attached to tradition and tried and tested methods, organisers are more likely to buy an established product than an innovative one that has yet to prove itself. Because they are more inclined to look to the past, they may appreciate history and have developed a very good memory.
Organisers don’t let their feelings get in the way, even though they are very present, but they have learnt to control them. His colleagues often know very little about his private life. He keeps things separate and prefers to keep the professional and private spheres separate.
In their approach to work, Organisers generally prefer to organise tasks one at a time. Carrying out several projects at the same time could give them the impression of dispersion and inefficiency, or of wasting time. They are methodical and show perseverance in their actions.
Organisers are also keen to see projects through to completion.
Organisers are cautious and anticipate deadlines.
The organised profile anticipates and deals with actions.
Macro-quality oriented (ORGANISATION)
The macro-quality oriented person aims for a quality result while maintaining an overall vision.
Micro-Quality oriented (ORGANISATION)
The micro-quality oriented person aims for a fast result while keeping an eye on the smallest details.
Precision-oriented (ORGANISATION)
Precision-oriented people are perfectionists down to the smallest detail, probably at the cost of a certain slowness.
Priority-Oriented (ORGANISATION)
The priority-oriented person approaches things quickly, with an eye for the big picture.
The open profile has an analytical base and is open to the emotional field.
Relationship-oriented versus results-oriented
A relationship-oriented person takes into account resistance and listens to their colleagues’ comments or objections when they have to take action. This may have an impact on their decisions, and consequently on their results.
Results-oriented versus relationship-oriented
A results-oriented person may listen to the comments or objections of their colleagues when they have to take action, but their decisions are primarily aimed at achieving their objectives. This is not incompatible with the notion of consensus. The difference lies in the decision-making process.
A person who uses omission in their communication forgets certain elements of the message transmitted to them. They truncate the message. This may be linked to an unconscious brain protection mechanism, particularly linked to a form of stess management.
In transactional analysis , “parent” behaviour acts according to the models that the individual has created for him/herself by observing the behaviour of those close to him/her. The parent perceives reality through ethics and norms.
See “Participative Manager”
Passive versus Active
A passive person behaves in a calm, collected manner; they observe and define themselves in opposition to an active person.
Passionate (EMOTIONS)
Passionate people are very demonstrative and let their emotions guide them.
See “Paternalistic manager” or full article
Circular thinking
A person who uses circular thinking attributes an effect to a cause while also thinking about the effects of that effect. They integrate elements from different sources into their thinking by associating ideas.
Linear thinking
They associate an effect with a cause.
A perfectionist is demanding of others and/or themselves. They aim for an impeccable, perfect result. They may return to a task several times, perfection being in essence an ideal that is sometimes unattainable. In contrast, a non-perfectionist has their own definition of a job well done, or has it defined for them. When a job has reached the satisfaction criteria corresponding to the standard set by themselves or a third party, they may consider the job finished and not go back to it.
See confronting(see Karmpan ). A person who confronts does not a priori position themselves as a persecutor. On the other hand, the systematisation or methodology of confrontation can, in certain respects, be likened to the operating modes of Karpman’s persecutor.
Open Perseverant (MOTIVATION)
The perseverant profile is happy to take on a new project as soon as they have completed the previous one.
The planner meets challenges by anticipating them.
See Neuro Linguistic Programming
The fastidious person has a certain level of perfectionism combined with a developed sense of detail.
Versatile (MOTIVATION)
The versatile profile develops over time its ability to absorb an increased number of tasks.
Docile Low Posture (CONFLICTS)
The Docile Low Posture profile has developed a form of adaptive submission.
High Critical Posture (CONFLICTS)
The High Critical Posture profile devalues and reduces the autonomy of those around it. It often encourages an attitude of execution or provokes departure.
Protective High Posture (CONFLICTS)
The High Protective Posture profile has positive intentions of support and encouragement. It is a suitable approach with people who are nervous, over a limited period of time.
Free Stance (CONFLICTS)
The Profile in the Free or Natural Posture is creative and spontaneous, and the level of responsibility of the people it is dealing with has little impact on its reactions.
Neutral posture (CONFLICTS)
The Profile in Neutral Posture objectively examines its environment and evaluates possibilities on the basis of past experience.
Rebellion stance (CONFLICTS)
The Rebel Posture profile is reactive, refuting what is imposed on it.
Pragmatic (CREATIVITY)
Pragmatists favour efficiency over creativity, which is stimulated by action and the possibilities that arise.
Pragmatic (REFLEXION)
Pragmatists have an open mind and can follow a surprising path to success, being more interested in concrete, tangible things.
Practical (REFLEXION)
Practical people think logically, associating cause and consequence. They are more interested in things that are concrete and tangible.
Protective profiles are attentive to the arguments of their interlocutor while protecting themselves emotionally.
The cautious profile has a low tolerance for failure, and makes sure that its objectives are achieved, as they must be attainable
This person’s actions are motivated by the attraction of a desired situation (NLP metaprogramme)
A rational person likes order, rules, procedures, control and precision. Task-oriented, their work is synonymous with consecutive tasks to be carried out and work methods to be applied.
The reactive profile is in action on a daily basis and copes with events.
Realists appreciate changes that have already proved their worth.
Social recognition (MOTIVATION)
The social recognition profile needs to show that they are recognised.
Competency framework
- To provide managers with common reference points for the general expectations of the function
- To guide managers’ actions in their day-to-day work
- Establish the values associated with the managerial skills reference framework: ways of speaking, the relationship between high standards and quality, the relationship between stress and managing the amount of work, etc.
- To guide the ways in which we interact in order to achieve the expected results.
Reflective (REFLEXION)
Reflectors prefer to develop their expertise without any particular desire to share it.
The Relational profile is helpful, and likes to please people above all, even if it means affecting their work.
Relational people are not sensitive to the achievement of results: they need to feel the consensus and quality of relationships.
A person with a tendency to relativise plays down the reality or consequences of an action or decision. This is known as minimisation.
Questioning (taking a step back)
A person who questions takes a step back or reconsiders a situation in order to see a problem or difficulty, identify the source and find solutions to take action. They may question their choices.
The respectful profile is restrained and only expresses itself if given the authority to do so.
Empowering (Confronting)
The Responsible profile seeks to make those with whom it interacts confront themselves, and dislikes conflict.
Responsible (LEADERSHIP)
Adapted managers seek to take on responsibility while adapting to their environment. Their initiative-taking may be limited.
Initiator Manager (LEADERSHIP)
The initiating leader seeks to take responsibility and willingly takes the initiative.
The retransmission profile seems to enjoy relaying information.
A retroactive person acts in reaction to an event.
Dreamers like to look to the future and approach change with reluctance
Saviour (CONFLICT)
A person in the role of saviour gets involved in relationships in order to be accepted and loved, whether consciously or unconsciously. They take on the role of saviour when a persecutor/victim situation exists. The Saviour profile needs recognition. They believe that helping really helps, but have not understood that they are creating a dependency relationship with the person being helped(see Karpman ).
Knowledge (MOTIVATION)
The knowledge profile needs to feel that their knowledge is known and recognised by the group.
Sceptical (EMOTIONS)
The sceptical profile has an analytical base which remains its dominant feature.
Sceptics may be afraid of change and need tried and tested points of reference.
Scientist (REFLECTION)
Scientists think logically, associating cause and consequence, while tackling abstract subjects.
The selective profile protects itself from being too open to others.
Sense of detail (Specific vision)
A person with specific vision has an eye for detail. If they are given a job to do, they want to know the precise actions involved. They will look at the overall purpose of the actions at a later stage.
Sensitive (REFLEXION)
Sensitive people are influenced in their thoughts by their feelings and the quality of their relationships.
Political sense
Oriented towards the hierarchy or counterparts, it enables ideas to be put across without provoking resistance.
A confident person experiences occasional stress generated by exceptional personal or professional situations.
The sociable profile likes to work as part of a team, even if they need time alone.
Solitary – Inner energy
The person will recharge their batteries without interacting with others.
The sponsor shows acquiescence and mobilises.
The stable profile needs concentration and reference points in their work.
Stimulated (STRESS)
The stimulated profile has a certain amount of stress, which remains stimulating. If the level is too high, the profile is in a risk zone. No lasting stress can be positive, putting the person under pressure.
Strategist (HBDI Neuroscience Profile)
The strategist’s way of thinking is based on the association of ideas, which can give the impression of complexity or disorganisation, as they do not always see the logical links in their thinking. They often have an inventive imagination, which is a sign of originality.
Unwilling to abide by rules and conventions, strategists prefer to be daring and like to stand out from the crowd. They also enjoy exchanging ideas, and sometimes have a rebellious streak that gives them a spontaneous sense of joy. Learning history by heart was certainly not his favourite area, preferring to synthesise and understand history rather than mechanically learn dates or events.
Often a visionary, the strategist is more at ease imagining the future than remembering the past, which can nevertheless be a source of partial inspiration.
A dreamer and epicurean, they can imagine projects that border on the impossible, or develop projects that are ahead of their time.
A person who is naturally stressed experiences chronic stress generated by everyday personal or professional situations.
Emotional stress (STRESS)
Emotional stress is biological and is expressed through the body: cold sweats, stiff neck, insomnia, crying, abdominal pain. In stress management, it can be a detector of the process underway. Emotions are then a source or indicator of stress.
Restraining limited stress (STRESS)
People with limited but restraining stress seem to be aware of the harmful effects of stress on themselves and have learned to manage it. It is not recommended to put them under pressure as this could cause them to lose their composure.
Organisational stress (STRESS)
Time-related stress stems from over-activity or the impression of over-activity caused by excessive or inadequate time management: difficulty in organising or prioritising, poor delegation. Time management is the primary source of stress.
Stress as a brake
If stress is a hindrance to a person’s intellectual and/or physical performance, this can also affect their motivation to take action or create a blockage.
Mental (or psychological) stress
Mental stress is psychological stress derived from automatic thoughts that are unconsciously put in place in the individual: generalisations, a priori, distortions, maximisations, etc
Motor stress (STRESS)
In a stressful situation, a person who experiences motor stress sees their capacities increase and their intellectual and/or physical performance improve; this can lead to increased motivation. Motivational stress can only be considered on a short-term, rather than structural, basis.
Relational stress
Relational stress is a cause of stress: social, it is linked to relationships with others through poor communication, or the absence of communication: “Human relationships are the primary source of stress”
A follower profile is concerned with the application of measures and decisions taken.
The transmission profile willingly shares its knowledge.
Over-challenged (STRESS)
The over-challenged profile has developed a potentially high level of anxiety in relation to its natural taste for challenge.
Synthetic (REFLEXION)
Synthetics have a quick approach to things with a global vision.
Systemic (CONFLICT)
The Systemic profile does not get involved in unhealthy interpersonal games, but has the ability to see and describe them to make it easier for others to take a step back.
Bold people take on challenges with optimism.
Management test
A test designed to provide a better understanding of a manager’s posture and the skills he or she uses and needs to develop.
Transformation (EMOTIONS)
The transformation profile filters situations with its own register.
The neutrality profile focuses on objectives other than transmitting information.
The transparent profile states its convictions regardless of who it is talking to.
Value – Retreat (CONFLICT)
The Valuing Step Back profile has the ability to step back from conflicts and can describe certain processes for resolving them and thus feel that they have made a valuable contribution.
Victim (Karpman)
A victim places him/herself in this role intentionally or unintentionally. They may also be encouraged to do so. They feel powerless in their professional environment. They consider that they are not responsible for what happens to them and feel that they are being subjected to it(see Karpman )
Emotional victim (CONFLICTS)
The so-called emotional victim enters into a game of victimisation without being able to detach themselves from it, and experiences it in their body.
Cold victim (CONFLICTS)
The “cold” victim rationalises their position as victim, even though they have entered into this relational game, and experiences it in their head.
Global vision
A person with a global vision takes an overall view and has a synthesising mind. If they are given a job, they want to know the overall objective and prefer to deal with the means of achieving the objective at a later stage.
Specific Vision
A person with a specific vision has an eye for detail. If they are given a job to do, they want to know the precise actions required. They will discuss the overall purpose of the actions at a later stage.
The dictionary of terms used in the personality report can be found above. It can be downloaded from your company account, in the Tools section

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