What do the IT, medical, construction and public works and gastronomy sectors have in common?
- The lack of manpower… That’s undeniable…
- But also EXPERTISE instead of MANAGEMENT…
1. What are the signs of RPS?
- Stress levels are high,
- Burnout is on the rise (a term unknown 10 years ago),
- Moral harassment is on the increase, particularly with narcissistic perverts (a term unknown 5 years ago),
- Some employees with natural leadership skills manage to unite entire groups of employees to create a noxious atmosphere,
- Organisational injustices are being pointed out: unequal levels of information, recognition without transparent indicators, etc.
2. How does RPS translate into figures?
- Absenteeism rate
- Staff turnover
3. Why do companies hire happiness officers rather than investing in manager assessment and training?
My back hurts because my chair is uncomfortable. What can I do about it?
- I can change my chair (preventive medicine) and choose one that stops my back hurting every time I sit on it. This is a new trend in companies.
- Or I could go to a physiotherapist to get rid of the pain and learn how to sit properly. I’ll potentially improve my relationship with the pain, but every time I sit in that chair, I’ll rekindle the pain. It still exists.
My manager is harassing me and I tell my HR manager about it. What happens?
- If the manager is in a key position, even if he’s a very bad manager, it’s more likely to be the employee who gets the sack than the manager, even if he’s been known to harass…
- On the other hand, a happiness officer will be recruited to suggest that the other employees in the team play a game of table football and relax. That’ll put up with the manager’s perversion!

Is this last example an exaggeration?
- “Yes, of course! “Some companies are very far from this reality. They have been able to support their managers so that they can progress, and to redirect other managers because they were not suited to the job. They have mapped out and analysed their information flows to make them more fluid, put in place the conditions for positive organisational justice, and are generally on an enviable growth trend.
- “Not at all! “Unfortunately, the example cited here is based on experience, not invention. And many consultants, coaches and trainers can testify to the veracity of this situation too.
Of course, if you yourself are an Expert profile, it’s hard to admit that this system has certain limits.
We mentioned the challenge in the preamble, so what is it?
If you’d like to check out this correlation we’re making, you have the opportunity to do so. You probably had a particular manager in mind when you read this article. What if you asked them to take the Assess Manager test to verify our hypothesis?
Our solutions are available as a free ‘trial period’, so the ‘challenge’ is within your grasp. Simply prepare your communication with this manager, and offer him the training kit that you will discover during your trial period!

To go further with Assess Manager