Blog of management

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blog du management

Key concepts

Management et Gestion du changement - un nouveau regard avec la systémie

Management and Change Management – a new look with systemics

Managing change - The systemic theory of change There are several types of change, both within companies and more generally.…

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Courage managérial - le paradoxe du 21ème siècle

Managerial courage – the 21st century paradox

"Accelerated movement, increasing decision-making, umbrellas to cover oneself... In the age of holacracy and the liberated company, which advocate collective…

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Quel leader êtes-vous

What kind of leader are you?

Each of these figures speaks to you in a different way: what made them famous to you, the symbolism of…

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Happiness Officer : Du cirage sur des chaussures sales

Happiness Officer: Shoe polish on dirty shoes?

What do the IT, medical, construction and public works and gastronomy sectors have in common? The lack of manpower... That's…

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agilité émotionnelle

Non classé

Leadership: one of the roles of management!

H. Mintzberg (1970) takes a practical approach to leadership and identifies ten managerial roles, divided into three hierarchical categories: Relationship…

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Etre manager : pourquoi ça ne s'improvise pas

The recruiter’s magic questions

What are the magic questions in recruitment that separate the IMPORTANT from the secondary? "In recruitment, the more senior the…

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Management intergénérationnel, une clé de rapprochement

Intergenerational management, a key to bringing people together

Intergenerational management in companies Jacques, a slightly paternalistic manager, is exasperated by Julien, a "young person" in his own words,…

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321 PERFORM s’appuie sur Assess Manager

321 PERFORM uses Assess Manager to help prepare its top-level drivers!

The links between management and top-level sport are well established. Some companies now invite sports personalities to pass on their…

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Manipuler les tests de recrutement

Personality or management Assessment: what are the differences?

What is the difference between today's different tests? Personality tests and management assessment test : different uses Personality tests: an…

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Le Regard du philosophe sur les Neurosciences

A philosopher’s view of neuroscience

Are we conditioned by what comes before us, and therefore by a certain determinism? What role does free will play…

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