Blog of management

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blog du management

Key concepts

« Flow, Bonheur, Vroom… » : les convergences qui interpellent !

“Flow, Happiness, Vroom… Convergences that make you wonder!

After much research focused on negative emotions such as stress and anxiety, researchers are now exploring positive emotions, particularly joy.…

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Choisir un Coach ?

Choosing a coach?

HR managers tell us: "It's hard to know what you're buying". Vanessa, Head of Careers and Talent at a major…

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Les traits de personnalité communs aux Responsables Formation connectés

Personality traits common to connected Training Managers

Do all Training Managers have this profile, or are they particularly attractive because of their digital orientation and open-minded nature?…

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3 clés de réussite pour animer une réunion

Non classé

3 keys to success for leading a meeting

Benoît PINEAU is a coach and member of the Assess Manager network. Discover Benoît's tips for running an effective meeting!…

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courage managerial

3 keys to success to demonstrate managerial courage

A big thank you to Sophie BREZZO PHILIPPS, Assess Manager partner, for this presentation on the 3 keys to success…

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blog du management

Reading tip: Which manager are you? Calibrate your practices

Published by EYROLLES, "Quel manager êtes-vous? - Etalonnez vos pratiques" complements the Assess Manager management skills test. At FNAC On…

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blog du management

Reading tip: From strategy to action

The first edition of this book was entitled « But what are they all waiting for to deploy my strategy?…

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Manager avec les émotions versus manager émotif

Non classé

Managing with emotions versus emotional manager

Emotional adaptability, defined by two American psychologists and academics, Peter Salovey and John Mayer, is the ability to perceive one's…

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Feed-back is a present ! Ce feed-back vous semble-t-il adapté ?

Feedback is a gift! Does this feedback seem appropriate to you?

Words have a power and a meaning beyond what we sometimes imagine, including in English. Feed means to nourish Back…

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Déléguer dans le management

Delegate in management

Operational managers are often confronted with this African proverb: Do it yourself to save time, Or invest time and pass…

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