For some, management is almost easy, a form of second nature. For others, it’s complex and makes them grey hairs!
We are pleased to present the book on management published by EMS Coach and written by Virginie LOISEL, director of Assess Manager: “Le management à porter demain”.
What will you find in this book?
- The first will find new pairs of scissors to shape their haircut.
- For the others, a palette of colours will help them reinvent themselves, restore their hair’s shine and give them a healthy glow.
In a way, you wrote this book. It’s based on the situations you tell us about or witness in the workplace, and which we can all relate to:
- Employees with dry hair, others with oily hair.
- Hair that tangles easily, unstructured hair.
- Smooth, beautiful hair that you’d like to style every day.
- Hair that loses its shine due to food poisoning…

We learn how to deal with all types of hair, how to bring out the shine in all types of hair, and how to harmonise a variety of hair types to prepare for a beautiful party.
Fashions are changing fast, and hairdressers need to develop their technical skills while remaining warm and friendly to demanding customers… If they are to serve their customers, they need appointments to be kept on time, especially during these periods when the salon is closed for health reasons. A customer who speaks too loudly will disturb the other customers, and the hairdresser will ask him to be more discreet or will encourage an exchange between all the customers. A customer who doesn’t know how to style his hair for his sister’s wedding will be advised by his hairdresser before making a decision.
And the hairdresser will look after his own hairstyle, to inspire passers-by and customers alike… He will be careful to optimise his appointments to make the sales that ensure the profitability of his salon, but also to take the time to talk to customers, so that they feel welcome and listened to… Have you noticed how often your hairdresser asks you lots of questions and takes an interest in you? He also delegates certain tasks so that he can concentrate on the hairstyles that require his special scissor stroke.
“Le management à porter demain” guides you by giving you new pairs of scissors, colours and techniques for using them. While some techniques are constant, others are evolving.
Le management paternaliste face aux nouvelles générations est à l’image de la coupe au bol de Mireille Mathieu.
On ne l’adoptera plus qu’en perruque, pour aller à une fête déguisée.
All the products are organic and respect nature, which is the hallmark of this book and its major challenge. You can practise with a few models before tackling new cuts or colours.
Each manager in the company is a seed of hope for changing our world and making it more humane, respectful of our earth, while ensuring an appropriate rate of growth. The butterfly effect, discussed by Nadia Guiny in her book published by the same publisher, is a potentially optimistic phenomenon if we all undergo a little rejuvenation by visiting our hairdresser.
This is what Virginie LOISEL proposes in her book, which you can read in any order according to your current needs and the situations you face.
Other books in the EMS Coach collection include :
– Coaching taoïste des dirigeants du IIIème millénaire by Laurent Chateau
– L’entreprise papillon by Nadia Guiny
– L’énnéagramme, outil de Leadership, by Frédéric Haumonté
And many more books, including those by Lucien Lemaire, Sylvie De Frémicourt, Pénélope Codello, Fanny Bauer-Motti and Michael Gunga, David Laillier, Erwan Deveze and Ricardo Croati, Amina Omrane, Gérard Desmaison, Dominique Thieffry, Mareille Bloch Dolande, Claude-Olivier Bonnet, Laurent Quivogne, Daniel Pemartin, Sylvie De Frémicourt…
Nada Assaf and Patrice Delfour helped write the book “Le Management à porter demain”. Many thanks to them. Yves Gruenais, co-director of the EMS Coach collection, gave the book his critical eye, helping to perfect it and encourage the author.
If you have other books to recommend, don’t hesitate to publish their titles in the comments. We’re not the only ones with interesting titles, so let’s expand our bibliography!
And if you want to test your management skills, go to the main Assess Manager site.

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