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Key concepts

Not very SMART objectives
We propose a managerial situation for you to think about together.Here's the situation: You manage a department in which each…

Discover Benoît’s tips for running an effective meeting!
A new video from @Benoit PINEAU on how to run a meeting. Benoît is a coach and member of the…

Managerial situation – Case study
Objectives that aren't very SMART We'd like to give you a managerial situation to think about together.Here's the situation: You…

Quote from Henry FORD on management
An interesting quote from Henry Ford on management in the ISO era... When it comes to management action, looking for…

Recruitment failures: key figures, analysis, solutions
Key figures on unsuccessful recruitment, analysis and solutions In this article, we present : - The recruitment process as a…

Recruitment failures: key figures, analysis, solutions
Key figures on unsuccessful recruitment, analysis and solutions In this article, we present : - The recruitment process as a…

When Roosevelt talks management…
A quote that says a lot about our potential spontaneous behaviour when we lead a team... The best manager is…

Manager versus Leader
For A. Zaleznik, the leader has a personality of his own which distinguishes him in every way from the manager:…

Happiness Officer: Shoe polish on dirty shoes?
What do the IT, medical, construction and public works and gastronomy sectors have in common? The lack of manpower... That's…

321 PERFORM uses Assess Manager to help prepare its top-level drivers!
The links between management and top-level sport are well established. Some companies now invite sports personalities to pass on their…