Henry FORD
Don’t look for the fault, look for the cure
An interesting quote from Henry Ford on management in the ISO era…
When it comes to management action, looking for the fault could be a reflex. It goes without saying that identifying it is a source of progress, since missing it would not make it possible to identify the process that generated it, and it could happen again.
So it’s a potentially positive reflex…
So why this quote “Don’t look for the fault, look for the cure”?
In the search for the remedy, the mindset changes… Managerial action and performance are also linked to the state of mind that generates a relationship of trust.
The manager who seeks the remedy will not go through the stage of understanding the error. However, their positive attitude influences the state of mind and the way in which mistakes are dealt with within the company.
This quote takes us back to behaviours that can be identified within the company: covering up mistakes so as not to suffer reprisals. If these behaviours exist, perhaps it’s linked to the way they are sometimes handled…
Instilling confidence in your team also means looking at mistakes as solutions to be sought, understanding how the path may have been deviated from without looking for those to blame…
What kind of manager are you?
Do you know how to inspire confidence?
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

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