Published by EYROLLES, “Quel manager êtes-vous? – Etalonnez vos pratiques” complements the Assess Manager management skills test.
The authors, Daniel EPPLING and Laurent MAGNIEN, offer a pragmatic approach to management, with references to a number of leading authors, depending on the subjects covered.
- From Thomas Harris with the life-position model, to Paul Eckman on managing emotions, or Goffman in the use of metaphor to convey messages, the authors begin by setting out the fundamental practices of communication, the inherent and central foundation of the managerial function.
- In the second part of the book, they deal with managerial practices, providing benchmarks and areas for reflection on very concrete aspects: setting objectives, decision-making, change management, delegation, assessment, control, congratulation, reframing, conflict management, influencing hierarchy, creativity, etc. In short, the essential elements assessed in the Assess Manager test.
Below are a few quotes from the book, by way of example:
- A quotation from Goethe on the subject of decision-making: “Until the moment you commit yourself, there is only hesitation, the opportunity to go back and inefficiency”
- A question on conflict management: “Should we always seek to cooperate, even in conflict situations? How can cooperation emerge with selfish people?
- On the relationship with the hierarchy: “Managers are to the company what the complex mechanisms of sensory perception are to the human body: they transmit to their superiors all the information that enables them to make decisions, anticipate and adapt. The survival of the organism depends on their proper functioning
- On meeting management: “whatever the meeting and whatever the task, the first condition for success is clarity of purpose (…)”. This is certainly an obvious point, but one that often needs to be reiterated before meetings, either for the moderator or for the participants.
Management is a vast subject, and other aspects could have been covered, such as the differences between strategic management and operational management; nevertheless, managers in need of a reference point will find here some good bases for progress in their practices.
Use the Assess Manager test to identify where you need to improve your management skills, so that you can focus your efforts on the right areas:
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

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