The phenomenon is growing, and seems to attract as many people as it does questions. For some, the liberated enterprise is a paradox, for others it’s a real leap forward. The abolition of hierarchy and the promotion of freedom to act: how do these values redefine management?
What is the liberated enterprise?
Popularised by Isaac Getz in the 2000s, the term “liberated enterprise” is already intriguing and stimulating debate. Associated with Generation Z, this concept of professional organisation has existed for several decades on the other side of the Atlantic and seems to fascinate by its performance.
Absence of hierarchy, equality of status, abolition of administrative processes and personal fulfilment: these are the values of the liberated company. Centred around the autonomy of employees, this type of organisation aims to improve productivity by promoting freedom. Don’t ask to speak to the manager, there isn’t one. Or rather, that’s all there is. Everyone is master of their own business, responsible for their own decisions and in charge of the smooth running of the ship. Collaborating and sharing rather than controlling and directing – that’s the promise of the liberated company.
But what about the manager?
It may seem that the liberated enterprise is not familiar with the principle of management, and that would not be entirely untrue. In reality, it does not think of the manager in the traditional way. In fact, anyone wishing to join such an organisation must adapt their posture and role. Finding a place as a charismatic leader rather than an authoritarian executive is the challenge of the liberated manager.
Those who know how to win over employees without a podium and coordinate activities with discretion and relevance can find their place in this new concept of organisation.
A culture of exchange and autonomy promoted by a participative leader, centred around the team and far removed from pyramidal realities, this is what could define liberated management.
Do you recognise yourself in these values of innovation and collaboration? Or would you like to develop them within your company? Click here to take our questionnaire and identify the pillars of your corporate culture!
Would you like to know if you could develop within a liberated company? Take our online management test!

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